How to be Anti-racist

I am sometimes a pretty embarrassing person. I talk to animals, constantly, like they are humans. I, literally, have full conversations in my garden, with the cats that live next door. I spend a lot of my time managing my self-shame at being rubbish, or getting something wrong or being embarrassing. I’m a perfectionist forContinue reading “How to be Anti-racist”

Our racist pasts: a history of racism in the US and UK

Disclaimer: I am white person. What I write below is to educate other white people about their privilege and the disparities in our society, including population, history, representation and social discrimination.  So far in 2020, we have had severe bushfires in Australia, wiping out large numbers of already endangered species (source: bbc), followed by aContinue reading “Our racist pasts: a history of racism in the US and UK”