Life in lockdown (prose)

“Before”, I woke up to the 5am sound of planes descending into Heathrow. “Now”, I wake up, much later, to the sound of birds singing in the trees outside my sash windows. Sometimes, I stay in bed an extra few minutes just to enjoy their comforting birdsong. “Before”, I would pull the duvet over myContinue reading “Life in lockdown (prose)”

Unpopular opinion: what’s everyone’s problem with capitalism?

When I was a student, I had umbrage (love that word) with capitalism. I was working low paid jobs to fund myself through university and it was challenging. I was a student between 1995-2006, so it was during the Blair era. Those of us from lower middle-class background, with (an) immigrant parent(s), faired well underContinue reading “Unpopular opinion: what’s everyone’s problem with capitalism?”

The big epic California roadtrip

Last summer, me and my favourite lady comrade (Harriet) went on an epic Thelma and Louise style adventure across California, driving 500 miles in a 4×4 from San Fransisco to San Diego. It took 3 beautiful, windswept, happy, weeks, where we were living our best lives out on the road – or, more accurately, outContinue reading “The big epic California roadtrip”